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Science Consulting

What is “Science Consulting”? Science Consulting is when a writer seeks someone who knows more science they do, discusses their plot and concepts with the science-ly person, and asks if they have trampled any laws of physics or depicted anything grievously wrong. If things do turn out to be grievously and noticeably wrong, then the author and the consultant might work together to find a better way to depict or justify whatever was wrong. Ultimately, however, the science consultant is just a consult and it is up to the author to decide where to draw the line on what they change or not.
Hollywood movies will hire science consultants (on occasion), but you don’t have to be a big production to make sure your science is right. Science consulting is usually unpaid, and is done simply for love of stories and science. I love discussing stories and science, and am happy to consult on whatever you have questions about.

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